The energy flows in my body now. Never felt better.
[Customer purchased the Super Upgrade™ and Aura Upgrade 1+2™]
“Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! ❤️❤️❤️🙏
What a journey this has been. It almost feels sad that it’s over. It has been a magical few weeks in many ways. The best thing is the energy that flows daily in my body now. Fantastic! Never felt better and never stood so firmly in my own energy. You have performed a masterpiece!” 🤩❤️🙏
Now the body feels much freer
[Customer purchased the Super Upgrade™ and Aura Upgrade 1™]
“Many warm thanks Karolina for your amazing ability to make such a big tangible difference both in my inner and outer space, with clearing my Heart Wall, Super Upgrade and Aura Upgrade.
It was an incredible amount of darkness to clean out! My body has really felt the different blockages in different places in the body before, but then I defined it as pain and exhaustion periodically. I have thought that it was probably due to the fact that I was a single mother during all the years when the children were growing up and now that I am older I get ailments here and there, that this has been the cause.
Now the body feels much freer. Lovely!!!
I have been a calm and focused person already before. But now there has been a greater calm, clarity, focus and direction within me than I’ve ever had before and a connection to both Mother earth and the Cosmos.
I am sure that many wonderful things will come my way in life and that I will be able to maintain my focus on creating my very best future. I feel hopeful!
I am so grateful and can really recommend anyone to take help from your amazing abilities. Hug / K”
Now I am the light
[Customer purchased the Aura Upgrade 2™]

Her Aura was radiant
[Customer purchased Aura Upgrade 1™]
“Thank you!! 💖 Have worked and had a lot of stuff happen in my body, I can say, energy is pumping/flowing in quantities. Incredibly Grateful for the help I have received/receive, what gifts you have.”
Customer’s mother:
“Hey Karolina! You just did an Aura upgrade on my daughter and when we saw each other yesterday her aura really shined. I saw powerful white rays radiating far from her head. Absolutely fantastic!”
The energy is flowing through my Aura now!
[Customer purchased the Super Upgrade™ and Aura Upgrade 1™]
“Hello Karolina Eleonora!!
Wooooow!! You are the best!!! I am so thankful that you did this for me, I have no words!! It feels like the energy is flowing in me!! It’s so exciting with both the Super and Aura upgrades, getting to read the report and the folder about what you’ve found is like an exciting detective story where the good and bright wins! So wonderful!!”
This is the best thing I’ve done
[Customer purchased the Super Upgrade™]
“I also want to take the opportunity to give feedback and say thank you very much for the super upgrade. I am a new person. Strong and confident in myself. The codependency or how my energy field got wrapped up in others is gone. Feel that I have a distance, in a healthy way. And can hold my space. Got an energy/strength I never had and much much more. Have tried a lot, but this is the best I’ve done, so thank you 🙏🏻”
Notice such a huge difference in my relationships
[Customer purchased the Super Upgrade™]
“I’m investing in myself, I think. For me and my children’s sake. And I notice such a huge difference in my relationships, both at home and outside the home. I am a teacher and have never felt such strong bonds with my students as now. It feels like it’s going so easily and I’ve never received so much love back as now and my children, who had a tough time, are more open and happier. And the ex-husband is also easier to bring along.”
Met with my Star Family
[Customer purchased the Super Upgrade™].
“The night before you were done with my Super Upgrade, I got nice shivers throughout my body several times. It lasted a second at a time and came 5-6 times over an hour or so. Really nice even if only for a second. I don’t usually remember my dreams, but the night after the treatment was over, I dreamed that I was picked up by aliens, and that I was on their ship, hehe. Then I woke up from the alarm at a quarter past 6 and got up almost immediately. Lately I’ve been so tired and snoozed for over an hour. But then I was awake at 6 in the morning even! In the past few days, I have also felt wonderful energy and alertness that have been missing for quite a while. I’m excited to see the unfolding effects of the Super Upgrade further on!! Thank you thank you thank you!
*In the Super Upgrade I remove any blockages that may be in our Galactic Chakra. When that chakra is cleansed, we can have a deeper connection with our star family, if we have one and if we are ready.
Looking forward to living like this
[Customer purchased the Super Upgrade™].
“Thank you very much! I feel lighter and generally feel better. I’ve had a feeling of inadequacy for years that I have never managed to shake off entirely. But now I feel a bit like this: of course I’m absolutely wonderful, why did I even hesitate? Instead it FEELS obvious now. Can feel it fully. Such a peaceful and calm knowing that everything is as it should be with me. Looking forward to living like this. Thanks again for everything!”
Best investment in my health ever
[Customer purchased the Super Upgrade™]
“Karolina Eleonora! Yesss! I have felt mental changes but also physical! I feel incredibly clairvoyant and my intuition and consciousness seem to be at a peak! Looks like I can finally relax for real! I couldn’t do that before, even in those moments when everything was fine. I feel a lightness in my head and chest, I breathe more deeply without having to think about it and the gut has calmed down! This was the best investment in my health ever! It is a wonderful feeling to be yourself and to have the opportunity to develop without all these energetic parasites!! I am so grateful you helped me!!! Can’t wait for the Aura Upgrade!”
The Super Upgrade gave me better results than all the therapies I’ve ever tried
“Again: I cannot stress enough how important and effective the Super Upgrade is to me.
It has given so much better results than all the treatments and therapies I have tried for almost 30 years combined. And they are many! You have a wonderful, amazing gift that many, many people could benefit from.”
Got so much energy!
[Customer purchased Heart Wall Removal].
“I’ve been tired right after you removed my Heart Wall, but then it turned around and I’ve felt very happy and positive, which gave me energy! Got the urge to clear things out and eat healthy. No longer feeling hopeless or like I can never be free! People have come up to me so I seem to give off a more open warm energy, thank you very much!!
An immense transformative effect
[Customer ordered the Super Upgrade™ I have removed energy parasites from 14 different chakras for the client].
“I am so happy and grateful that I got around to ordering the Super Upgrade. I think it has changed and is changing me so incredibly. I am so grateful for all the help from Karolina”.
We feel so good now
[Mother and daughter ordered the Super Upgrade™]
“This Super Upgrade is amazing ❤ Me and my daughter have both done it. We feel so good now. I also thank you Karolina for everything you do for us. You are amazing”.
Deep sense of freedom and purity
[Elderly couple 66 and 85 years old each ordered the Super Upgrade™. I have removed energy parasites from 14 different chakras for the them].
To Karolina Eleonora:
“What an inner journey we have made. Thanks to you. After the HeartWall + Chakra cleanses, this SUPER UPGRADE was really the crowning glory. Getting rid of all these energy parasites gave us an even deeper sense of freedom and purity. All negative thoughts are blown away. There is calm and balance in our life now. Absolutely priceless and magical in every way. Every day we discover new progress in our inner development. That we will tenderly cherish for the rest of our lives. What an experience. What a journey. Thank you so much for everything. Warmest hugs from us.”
The pain and eczema disappeared
[Customer purchased a Heart Wall removal].
“Thanks for the help with the removal of my Heart Wall. I felt/saw/noticed you on the first two occasions. There was an inner peace and harmony that I haven’t felt in the last 15-20 years, more joy! Many events from the past that appeared in my consciousness that appeared, that I could let go of. My body aches are very subtle now. Thanks! I also feel that I can get out and move around now that the pain is almost gone. I would also like to add that my eczema on my fingers and hands is now completely gone.”
*Unprocessed emotions can to a great extent take physical expression. Sometimes a lot of this is collected precisely in one’s Heart Wall and then you can get amazing results like this customer.
No more neck pain and virtigo after clearing the Neck Chakra
[Customer purchased the Super Upgrade™. I have removed energy parasites from 14 different chakras for the client].
“There is a lot happening both within me and with my physical strength because the neck does not cause problems anymore since you cleansed the Neck Chakra and I am no longer dizzy. I am 68 years old and have lived with these blockages for a long time. I have been on antidepressants since 1994 and I now want to cut the intake in half. The headaches crept up after a car accident in Dec 1971. I hit my head through the windshield and broke the rearview mirror inside the car. I wasn’t wearing a seat belt. The last 5 years have been hard. Been so dizzy on a daily basis that I was about to fall. For a while I couldn’t turn over in bed without everything spinning. I thought it was from the car accident but I understood that it was something else, something dark that attacked and therefore I asked you to cleanse my chakras and especially my Neck Chakra.”
Very happy with my new life
[Customer purchased the Super Upgrade™. I have removed energy parasites from 14 different chakras for the client].
“A little feedback since the last time we spoke. I have felt so good and have such a wonderful feeling of being at ease and life-balance. I feel harmonious, balanced and happy. The noise in the head has also calmed down. It feels like bliss. Last time we spoke, I said that I feel very happy and carefree, and many weeks later I still feel that way.”
Im standing in a shower of Light!
[Customer purchased the Super Upgrade™. I have removed energy parasites from 14 different chakras for the client].
“This treatment is so powerful. I just feel WOW. So potent. I told my mom yesterday that this is going to change my life, I don’t know how to describe it but it feels like I’ve become religious. This treatment feels like the ultimate cleansing. I stand in a shower of light and this is now my natural state. This shower of light flows down through my crown chakra throughout my body into the Earth. This light has washed away everything that I myself tried to scrub away. By that I mean remnants of trauma, triggers, stress, anxiety, Ego. I also feel like one of the superheroes in movies who just discovered their superpowers but haven’t learned how to handle them. Now I am a pillar of light with both feet on the ground and my head in the sky, that’s how it feels. All week I have heard the echo of: I want to thank you my Arcturian sister, directed to you. And I also thank my demons. You have now freed me from over 70 different negative implants, demons, projections, dark magic, etc. I thought my demons were my own darkness / Ego. They have influenced my life, personality and my choices incredibly. I can really see how this is linked to the 7 deadly sins, my motto was even “blessed are we who dare to sin”. Wow. What an insight. That party demon, I promise you it’s had fun with me, haha like 15 years of decadence. Do most people have this many negative companions or have I been a demon magnet? I’ve been drinking a lot of alcohol and I know it lowers one’s frequency and invites both, so that’s an explanation. This treatment has also calmed my thoughts. I no longer have to spend energy keeping track of what my brain is up to. Wow. The effect of that is that I don’t have to make an effort to be in the moment. The Super Upgrade is really the right term. Now all doors are open and I am ready to receive all that is meant for me. I’m so thankful. Talking about freeing me!”
“I’m very impressed with your accuracy!”
The flow is back in my body!
A client with depression booked a Heart Wall Removal. She regularly used her crystal pendulum to check her chakras and always found that her Root chakra was very slow, hardly moving at all. After removing her Heart Wall she tested her chakras again with her pendulum. Above the Root chakra the pendulum started spinning very fast! Being Heart Wall free, life force energy or ‘Prana’ had started flowing through her body. We need this flow to be vital. This is what the presence of a Heart Wall does – it blocks the flow in our bodies, and we become stagnant on all levels. ”The pendulum rotated so fast I had problems holding it between my fingers!”
Stomach ache disappeared
“I’ve had problems with my stomach on and off for years, but the doctors haven’t found anything. I booked the Total Chakra Cleanse with Karolina, (although not for stomach ache!) but to my surprice, the problems with my stomach vanished a few days after the Chakra Cleanse!”
Better connection to my boyfriend
This client did the Relationship Cleanse (scroll down). “I feel stronger and more relaxed now. I no longer feel that old ‘co-dependency’ feeling I used to have to my boyfriend. You are so good at this! Thank you!”
Life is more simple now
“Since you removed my Heart Wall life has become simple. A few weeks after, I’ve had a release of tears and I have been able to let go of many old memories. So grateful.”
A kick-start
[The Heart Wall Removal] “Highly recommended. I felt a distinct enhancing of all of my senses and an immediate increase of physical balance. Several weeks later I still have that ‘peeling the onion’ effect.”
Better self-worth
“I lost my self-worth and I feel it is coming back since you removed my Heart wall. My heart is so light now.”
Well earned recognition
[The Heart Wall Removal] “Very Good results. A huge difference in how people are greeting and treating me now. I’m no longer invisible. I have tried many times with different healing tools but nothing worked until this. I can breathe now. Thank you so much!!”
Im ready to commit to a girlfriend now!
“After several people in my life had told me about Emotion Code, I finally booked a session with Karolina, a Heart Wall removal. I never thought this session could have such a major impact on my life. Emotional blocks I have been struggling with for years was removed in seconds, seriously!? Some people think that the heart is weak, but I can tell you that they are wrong! Incredibly enough, Karolina could pinpoint a rough period I had as a 25 year old!”
Permanent skin problems, gone!
A school boy had embarrassing eczema on his hand. After the second session his mom contacted me: “We tried different creams for him but without any results, the creams only worked initially and then the eczema came back. That’s when I contacted Karolina for help. After the second session with her, it took 2-3 weeks and my boy’s eczema was completely gone!”
Better sleep and self-esteem
“Before the session I had chest pains, and pains in my back / shoulder blades and shoulders. This lead to poor breathing and poor sleep. My self-esteem was low, and I didn’t feel confident in trusting others or myself. After my session was done, all the aches and pains disappeared and I got a deeper connection with myself. My social exchanges went easier too, people are drawn to me now. My sleep is better and I feel like a much more open and approachable person these days! I warmly recommend Karolina and the Heart Wall removal! I want to thank Karolina from the bottom of my heart because you opened up a new world for me, filled with so much joy and love. Im definitely coming back for more sessions with you!”
Stopped drinking
[Heart Wall Removal] “A huge thank you! I have been drinking whisky Friday to Saturday every free weekend for two years now. This weekend Im looking at two unopened bottles, and I don’t even feel like opening them. A massive thank you, Im so happy!!”
The energy came back after 2 years of Burnout
[The Heart Wall Removal] “I have felt the energy coming back since your session with me. I can become tired If I have been active doing something, but not at all in the same way since before the session. I feel happier and I don’t worry about the future like I used to. I haven’t done any changes to my life except for your session. Thank you!”
New flow
“I feel an inner balance now that I’ve never had before, it’s like I had an inner pressure that I have been struggling with for years that is now gone! I have been very problem focussed as a person, but after my Heart Wall removal I don’t feel that old tension of worry that I used to. Another bonus is that I used to have pent up emotions before, and now, for the first time in my life, I feel safe enough to express my emotions. Im filled with gratitude for this!”
Positive changes
[Emotion Code session] “So much has happened. On so many levels, with the physical, mental and
spiritual. I feel blissful and strong, grateful and happy.”
Blood pressure normalised
“Since you removed my Heart wall, my high blood pressure is now normal!!”
People are coming up to talk now
“It is so peculiar… Since you removed my Heart wall, people have started to approach me and strike conversations. It has never happened to me before, I feel SO open now.” (This same client had years of stomach ache that the doctors couldn’t explain, disappeared after I did a chakra-cleanse for her).
New energy and ease after Heart wall removal
“Wow. I feel so light and calm! I have energy! It is easy to breath.. This was Magic! And there is something about how I relate to others.. It’s like I’ve grown thicker skin, I feel more protected, stronger. This is unbelievable. Thank you!!”
Eczema is gone
[Five days after one Emotion Code session]
“The eczema around the eye of my child is now gone, unbelievable!!! We have tried different things without results, before your session.”
©Karolina Eleonóra healing 2015-2024
Disclaimer: Karolina is no medical doctor and doesn’t diagnose or cure diseases. If you have a medical problem, contact your doctor. Emotion Code, the Super Upgrade ™ and Aura Upgrade ™ 1+2, are Energy medicine on the conditions of the body and you can not guarantee a result. If you want to quit taking your medication, speak to your doctor.