With purchase of any of the services on this site, you are agreeing upon the following terms.


+ You must be over 18 years to use my services.

+ We don’t give refunds after the session is given. 

+ If you want to cancel your session you contact me 24 hours before session and you will get a refund and only paypal fees retained. 

+ I do not offer my services to clients who behave ruthless, disrespectful or aggressive. 


+ A Heart Wall Removal is not a ‘one cure fix all’. It is the first step of a journey to release dense structures / programs from your physical body and field. You will need to do a lot more Emotion Code clearing to get that longterm breakthrough. 

+ The effect of the Emotion Code sessions & Heart wall can take some time. There are no guarantees for an effect, but I have yet to see one client that didn’t get a deep transformational effect overtime.

+ If you suspect you have a medical condition, seek out a doctor, my Emotion Code sessions can only remove blocks that can increase vitality, but not cure disease. 


+ Energy medicine takes place on the body’s terms and no results can be guaranteed.

+ It is not the sensations you get during and after the SU/AU treatments that is the actual healing. Some feels no sensations from these treatments at all, but their lives take exciting new turns, doors open and new paths forward are found.

*Common sensations of SU/AU is the feeling of an increased light around the body, that you can hear your own light turn on and off, can feel great relief in the body, can dream of spaceships / see space people / see your star family, get lots of new energy, one can feel how it starts to flow through the chakra when I have just cleansed it, etc. You can feel extra tired or extra energised. 

+ You can hear the sound of light inside your head after the SU treatment. This is not tinnitus, nor is it dangerous. The sound is not heard with the physical ears, but from inside the head. This sound turns on and off a little from time to time and it is a turning on of your own light that you hear. This sound is bright but soft and not painful to listen to.

+ The Super Upgrade does not aim to cleanse your entire body, but only cleanses the 14 chakras in these sessions. This means that you may still have loads of the kind of negative etheric technology we remove in the SU treatment, in your physical body and Aura. To get rid of this, you need to book more treatments.

+ A few clients have had initial sleep problems after SU as their bodies calibrate the amount of light your cleansed chakras are emitting. This light is the normal light the chakra should radiate and you had this light as a child. Over time, more and more blockages have gotten into your chakras and you have slowly gotten used to not having the normal level of light / life fore energy in your chakras. The body needs some time to get used to it and this can manifest itself in a restlessness where the body bursts with joy and energy when going to sleep. This passes when the body has finished calibrating and getting used to it.

©Karolina Eleonóra healing 2015-2024

Disclaimer: Karolina is no medical doctor and doesn’t diagnose or cure diseases. If you have a medical problem, contact your doctor. Emotion Code, the Super Upgrade ™ and Aura Upgrade ™ 1+2, are Energy medicine on the conditions of the body and you can not guarantee a result. If you want to quit taking your medication, speak to your doctor.