In the Tarot deck, the Emperor is card number four in the major arcana, ruled by Mars, associated with the zodiac sign of Aries and symbolizes Patriarchy. The archetype exists within all of us and can be more or less visible in our lives at different times.
The card shows an influential man sitting on a throne in armour and precious garments. The emperor sits in the desert with mountains in the background. It is his land, he is one with the mountains. Immovable, indomitable, irrepressible. He is the leader who leads leaders. The progenitor of all. He has a great vitality and immune system; both a physical and a spiritual one. He would never have been able to stand up to anyone claiming his throne otherwise.
Despite the desert landscape, there is water there. It symbolizes that the Emperor can manage desolate landscapes into life-giving lands for both humans and animals. He has the experience, the means, the allies and the integrity to see through even the most difficult of challenges. He does not rise from his throne unless there is a reason. He doesn’t waste resources. He does not invest in dead end projects. He sees opportunities and patiently waits for perfect timing. The emperor knows his worth 100%. He only works with those who respect him. He has the utmost dignity, efficiency and his humility is found in being realistic. He is a Sanat Kumara; a steward of our planet. The Emperor is the frame for the Empress. In that frame she can safely blossom and her blossoming nourishes the Emperor, they are the Twinflames.
Depending entirely on which tarot cards are drawn around the Emperor, the card communicates differently.
The emperor carries a gift. Do you lead your own life? Are you managing someone/something else? Do you have clarity ahead? Clear goals? A balanced Solarplexus chakra is the prerequisite for being able to integrate the Emperor’s Gift. Being able to channel large amounts of energy to a goal but maintain calm and focus. A weak Solarplexus chakra creates self-doubt and you believe the last person you listened to.
This tarot card often comes up in my readings when someone has decided and is going to carry out their plan. Also that one is inflexible, burdus, lacks empathy, rigid and fixed.
All cards have their gifts and they are here to help us become aware. We must become whole and free from inner conflicts. Not until we have accepted ourselves 100% have we mastered the lessons of life.
Key Words for the Card The Emperor: The Father / God / Patriarch, Responsibility, Grounded, Disciplined, Integrity, Leadership, Wealth, Stewardship, Safety of Others, Function, Divine Masculine, Conservatism, Solar Plexus Chakra, Mars, Sanat Kumara (Steward of the Earth).