In the Tarot deck, the Chariot is card number seven in the major arcana, is associated with the zodiac sign of Cancer and symbolizes forward momentum. The archetype exists within all of us and can be more or less visible in our lives at different times.
The card shows a determined man in a chariot drawn by two sphinxes, one white and one black. The chariot is not in motion, the sphinxes are directed in different directions. It is a symbol that they are awaiting orders. Also that it is wise to not only have speed but crystal clear focus so you know how to steer your cart. “Speed is irrelevant if you are going in the wrong direction” – Gandhi.
The man wears a suit of armor with two new moons on his shoulders symbolizing cancer, cycles, seeds that have just been sown, something is about to be set in motion, we have raw potential. You are recharged from the card before, The Lovers and are now going out into the world to test your powers. This character has a wide open Solar Plexus Chakra and 3rd Eye Chakra – confidence and vision.
Completely depending on which tarot cards are drawn around the Chariot, the card communicates differently.
The cart is carrying a gift. There is a time in every man’s life when the external must be conquered in triumph. The Chariot is a card for excelling outwardly and reaping victories for one’s own purposes; to do what you came here to do! E.g. getting a driver’s license, getting a degree, getting the manager’s job, moving abroad, getting married, for example. The milestones that initiate us into the physical.
This tarot card comes up in my readings when someone is ready to take the plunge.
All cards have their gifts and they are here to help us become aware. We must become whole and free from inner conflicts. Not until we have accepted ourselves 100% have we mastered the lessons of life.
Key words for the card The Chariot: Action, Fortitude, Enterprise, Determined, Personal Power, Control, Success, Triumph, Milestones, Reaching One’s Goals, fully Charged, Discipline, Focus, Courage, Solar Plexus Chakra.