In the Tarot deck, Strength is card number eight in the Major Arcana, associated with the zodiac sign of Leo and symbolizes mastery. The archetype exists within all of us and can be more or less visible in our lives at different times.
The card shows a blonde woman in a white dress with pink roses as a sash around her waist and in her hair. She opens the mouth with a familiar hand on a lion that licks at her. The lion has its tail between its legs in submission. She is an aspect of Inanna or Ishtar; temple priestess worshiped in Sumer and Babylon who are also depicted with a tamed lion with a noose in its mouth.
She is a pure virgin, a ‘maiden’ i.e. an unmarried woman. But in my opinion she is an experienced Mother who has a calming effect even on beasts. The lion submits to her because her love is of such goodness. So the card has more to do with the woman than the actual lion on the card. Above her head is the eternity sign just like the Magician. She has reached a point where she doesn’t need to force anything to happen – everything will turn out the way she wants in the end and she rests in that knowledge. She wants what is best for everyone, has no selfish motives. She holds no grudge and no bitterness; she has a wide open heart; that is also what strength is. She is an empath and giver of mercy.
Depending entirely on which tarot cards are drawn around the Strength, the card communicates differently.
Strength carries a gift. The purest, gentlest, kindest, softest person can possess the greatest power. Think Mahatma Gandhi, who with Non-Violence drove the entire British Empire out of India in just 10 years. His insistent kindness and gentleness overshadowed the beasts of colonialism. He said “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” Or Mother Theresa who said “Do small things with great love”.
This tarot card comes up in my spreads when someone has finally given up the fight from the previous card The Chariot. Here, people have understood how to choose their battles. That what a bully needs is a hug. You have achieved a great inner maturity. You can now control your emotions and have overcome inner conflicts.
All cards have their gifts and they are here to help us become aware. We must become whole and free from inner conflicts. Not until we have accepted ourselves 100% have we mastered the lessons of life.
Key words for the Strength card: Peace, Maturity, Judgment, Grace, Purity, inner Strength, ultimate Control by not seeking control, Humble, Courage, Compassion, Wisdom, accomplishing much with little means. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”