The Sword suite in the tarot deck are symbolized by the element Air and rule the zodiac signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
In classic Rider Waite Smith tarot decks, this tarot card shows a knight with drawn sword on white horse. The horse looks terrified. Knight in sword has a pretentiously decorated armor and horse. His spurs are razor sharp. Five birds fly above as a symbol of chaos. Same troubled sky as the card before, Page in sword. This Knight now has the experience that the Page lacked; he has been promoted in the army. He is now an experienced army leader and field lord who leads men into war. He knows all the arts of war, such as verbal duels, strategies or court proceedings. He never takes off his spurs. The heavy red velvet cloak and red plume in the helmet indicate his high status and passionate style. This person is not easily led like Pagen. He is brashly independent and is fully prepared to back up his boisterous language with action. Here you have lost patience and feel so equipped with arguments, evidence, knowledge, education, facts that nothing can go wrong, you just have to win. Knight of swords is attacking you with statistics or a calculation, a theory or an ultimatum. There’s something frustrated, maybe despairing about this character, like he’s giving someone one last chance to be heard and taken seriously. We have burning overactive Sacral, Heart, Solar plexus and Throat Chakras. The Solar Plexus Chakra in particular is overstressed and needs balancing. There is an electric charge in the Sword Knight. He turns on the light in a room, and the bulb breaks. He drains batteries from cell phones. He has a heart wall that he is unaware of. Behind it hides all the pain that came from being a Page in Swords who showed so much but was never taken seriously. Now the sword of knowledge flashes in the sky. The most competent of all knight cards; he leads armies.
Depending entirely on which tarot cards are drawn around the Knight in Swords, the card communicates differently.
This tarot card comes up in my readings when someone has lost patience and takes the blade from their mouth. Someone wants to say something urgent. They feel as if they must be allowed to speak their mind and won’t compromise. The answer must be “right” and the advice is to temporarily stroke this person’s hair and at least make sure that he/she feels heard. Maybe you haven’t listened before? Perhaps the Knight’s frustration is justified? Also, make sure the Knight doesn’t boss you around with his demands just because he/she is upset at the moment. You can talk again when the person is calmer. Boundless behavior is not ok in any relationship.
All cards have their gifts and they are here to help us become aware. We must become whole and free from inner conflicts. Not until we have accepted ourselves 100% have we mastered the lessons of life.
Key words for the card Knight in Swords: Preacher, leader, great competence, attacking, quick decisions, aggressive, ultimatum, cut with people, put your foot down, don’t take shit, quarrels, an intense person, angry but the layer underneath is always tears.
Who is Karolina?

Karolina Eleonóra – Emotion Code Healer & creator of the Super Upgrade™ + Aura Upgrade™
Hello friend! My name is Karolina and I am an Emotion Code healer, trained by Dr. Bradley Nelson.
Emotion Code is a tool for releasing heavy energies that hold us down. The more heavy energies we remove from our energy field / body, the clearer we become in thought, word, action and our very life becomes clearer.
All my healing takes place remotely. I work with kinesiology when I scan the body for the negative energies that are stuck. When I’m done, I’ll email you a result with what I found. Your subconscious knows exactly what is wrong and what is the solution, Emotion Code healing works via the subconscious.
I have also developed my own healing modality called the Super Upgrade™ + Aura Upgrade™ where I cleanse 14 of your chakras / clean the 7 layers of your Aura from negative etheric technologies, such as implants, blocks, dark energy, false light, antennas, demons, archons, energy weapons and many more.
Click here to email me your order or if you want me to find the right healing session for you and I’ll book you in or if you have any questions! See you soon.