In the Tarot deck, the Last Judgment is card no. 20 in the Major Arcana, symbolizing Awakening. The archetype exists within all of us and can be more or less visible in our lives at different times.
The card shows a large angel (Gabriel the messenger) with red wings blowing a trumpet. Below the angel are two families rising from their graves. The families are standing on either side of each other and are gray in color, which symbolizes that they are ‘inactivated’ passive and are now being awakened. Behind the far family, a tsunami wave is enveloping itself. The card shows ‘the rapture’ the flood and the ascension to 5D.
Depending entirely on which tarot cards are drawn around The Judgment, the card communicates differently.
The ultimate judgment carries a gift. You are not your everyday subjects – they are only your earthly expression. Your true expression is higher! You are a being of light traveling in a vehicle of flesh and blood. The Judgment is the penultimate card in the Major Arcana and wants to show you your untapped potential!
This tarot card comes up in my readings when you have an aha experience, when you are forced to look at something you have not seen before, when you wake up about something, when you feel that you have to take hold of something. Maybe you realize how much someone means to you, maybe you feel a calling to start studying, or you see patterns in a relationship you can’t accept anymore. Whatever it is, you’ve noticed something that shakes you up a bit.
All cards have their gifts and they are here to help us become aware. We must become whole and free from inner conflicts. Not until we have accepted ourselves 100% have we mastered the lessons of life.
Keywords for the Judgment card: Awakening, Rescue, Drive, Assessment, Accountability, coming to Insight, Submission, Impulse, Archangel Gabriel, Potential.
Who is Karolina?

Karolina Eleonóra – Emotion Code Healer & creator of the Super Upgrade™ + Aura Upgrade™
Hello friend! My name is Karolina and I am an Emotion Code healer, trained by Dr. Bradley Nelson.
Emotion Code is a tool for releasing heavy energies that hold us down. The more heavy energies we remove from our energy field / body, the clearer we become in thought, word, action and our very life becomes clearer.
All my healing takes place remotely. I work with kinesiology when I scan the body for the negative energies that are stuck. When I’m done, I’ll email you a result with what I found. Your subconscious knows exactly what is wrong and what is the solution, Emotion Code healing works via the subconscious.
I have also developed my own healing modality called the Super Upgrade™ + Aura Upgrade™ where I cleanse 14 of your chakras / clean the 7 layers of your Aura from negative etheric technologies, such as implants, blocks, dark energy, false light, antennas, demons, archons, energy weapons and many more.
Click here to email me your order or if you want me to find the right healing session for you and I’ll book you in or if you have any questions! See you soon.