Tarot: ace of wands
The Ace cards in the tarot deck are symbolised by the element Fire and rule the zodiac signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The card a white giant hand holding a stick with green twigs on it. The hand comes out of a gray cloud. The landscape is lush with a castle in the background. The foundation is laid, the door is open, there are no obstacles in the way. The energy of the Ace of Wands is, like all of the Aces, the very element of action. The cards that follow the Ace of Wands suite are a development of the basic energy of the wand. The suite of Wands is about your Ego. The ego can be destructive or constructive and if we follow the suite's development here we see what challenges the wand's energy brings. It is about the Solar Plexus Chakra, developing one's identity, taking place as who one is.