Tarot: three of swords

In classic Rider Waite Smith tarot decks, the Three of Swords shows a red heart with gray rain sky behind. The heart is pierced by three swords. Now we understand why the card before, Two of Swords was so blocked; intuition said that the outcome will be disappointing. This is the big heartbreaker card. When the harsh words, the harsh decisions have attacked the vulnerable heart. This is also how we form a Heart Wall, a wall around the heart that blocks us from giving and receiving love.

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Tarot: two of swords

In classic Rider Waite Smith tarot decks, Two of Swords shows a woman sitting with two swords crossed over her chest. She struggles with being in her head all the time and now the situation has gone so far that she is forced to look inward. She has a blindfold. Behind her the moon shines yellow, even her shoes are yellow. It is a symbol that she is connected to her intuition. Behind the woman is water with many cuts. A symbol that boats cannot get through the water, that the road is blocked and dangerous for the boats to get through. The card stands for a big blockage where you don't get anywhere physically until there is inner clarity. Water is a symbol of emotions and Two of Swords indicates that you have a blocked Sacral Chakra (emotional imbalance) as well as a blocked 3rd Eye Chakra (unclear visions) – you cannot see clearly what to do, emotions do not provide guidance – only the intuition (the moon). When we close our eyes, we go inward.

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Tarot: ace of swords

In classic Rider Waite Smith tarot decks, the Ace of Swords shows a white giant hand emerging from a gray cloud. The hand holds a sword. Above the top of the sword is a golden crown with a palm leaf and an olive branch, a symbol of peace, purity and identity. The energy is a perfectly balanced Solar Plexus, Throat, 3rd Eye, and Crown Chakra, but mainly follows the teachings of the Throat Chakra and the 3rd Eye Chakra.

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Tarot: page of pentacles

This tarot card comes up in my readings when you encounter someone who has serious plans for you who are just in their infancy. All Pages is the starting point for an ambition that needs to mature. And that's ok. We are immature before we mature. It's just the course of the process. All Pages carries a question: Do you want…? Shall we…? Can you…? When will…?

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