The Aura Upgrade 1 – how I do your ‘Aura Map’ drawing.
In a QHHT hypnosis interview, we asked my Pleiadian Team the effects of the Super Upgrade & Aura Upgrade sessions. This is what they said!
The Aura, our Light Body, holds the code of who we are, it is our energy signature. The Aura carries the energy from our Chakras that build up the Aura with all the colors of the rainbow! Here are all your past life experiences, your ability to read and integrate your surrounding, how you receive Cosmic energy, your deactivated gifts – yes everything! The Aura is your energetic archive. It is very important that no negative energies, dark technology, demons etc infect the Aura.
The idea with the Aura Upgrade 1+2 and the Super Upgrade is that you do them ONCE in your life.
—> Start with the Super Upgrade to completely clean out your Chakras, then you do one of the Aura Upgrades, 1 or 2 depending on how deep you want to clean.
What is your Aura?
Aura or Lightbody is the field of energy that surrounds your physical body. It is a buffer or barrier that protects your physical body against disharmonious energies. It is your energy signature that reflects how you feel. In your Aura is also the energy of your Chakras. This is why when taking Aura photography you see one or more colors; the photo shows which Chakra(s) are most active in you at the moment. If your Chakras are out of balance, this affects your Aura negatively.
Your Aura consists of many different layers of light and color waves in a “matrix” i.e. a hologram around your body, it has a layer for each Chakra. It is in our Aura that our consciousness is stored, we can call it an archive that holds information about you and all the past lives you have lived.
An Aura with holes, tears, negative portals, Wormholes, negative Vortexes, various etheric implants, Demons and other lower energy forms, seriously damages your Aura which saps the vitality of your entire physical body, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Your Aura is the geometric structure that is the ‘bridge’ to your Soul and your Higher Self. The Aura weaves the Soul into the body, or you can say that in order for the Soul to be in the body, it enters the body via the Aura. Most people do not have the Soul in their body but the Soul floats outside the body, which creates a very disconnected, ungrounded and rootless individual. Part of why it is like that, it that ones Aura is so tainted with dark etheric technologies that it can’t host the Soul.
When the Aura is weak, it cannot act as a buffer for your physical body, emotional life or mental health. What we call diseases first start to form out in the Aura and then wander into the body and when it reach the body, we get symptoms. This means that all disease states are actually energy imbalances. Genetic weaknesses are only just that; weaknesses. That doesn’t mean that this weakness will manifest as disease, it will only do so if there are also a corresponding emotional and energetic block of life force energy.
A person with a strong Aura has a palpable electric radiance and charisma that is immediately visible, has an abundance of energy, has balanced emotions and stability in their life. He or she has a lot to give to others and also automatically replenishes themselves with new energy – as a healthy, intact Aura constantly feed us energetic life force energy. A healthy Aura is a BIG Aura, it can expand many meters out from the body in a spherical shape.
We are at our best when the Aura is intact, clean, thick and well expanded outwards.
What are the negative etheric technologies I am removing?
These negative etheric technologies are placed on us humans both collectively, right when we are born and also placed individually – especially for spiritual people when they start to grow and start their mission, astral technologies are placed there to stop the individual. They are not visible to the naked eye, unless you are psychic. These negative etheric technologies work synergistically together; one technology can pull in darkness into the Aura, while another anchors the darkness and a third directs the darkness to become part of your negative behaviour patterns and can also instigate the people around you. Many spiritual people feel attacked in this way.
The deployment of these negative ethereal technologies
all stem from the Astral plane; the energetic realm surrounding our globe that was originally pure and meant to protect human from cosmic radiation. This realm is now heavily hijacked and infected by darkness.
The negative etheric technologies found in our Chakras, Aura and our physical body are part of a control system facilitated by negative ET’s (Reptilians, Orion Grays and negative Anunnakis). The control system can be traced as far back as during the fall of Atlantis (20,000 years ago) when negative ET’s came here and began to corrupt the very energy grid around the earth. They manipulated all humans in one swoop because we are all connected to this energy grid around the earth when we incarnate. With reversal technologies they distorted the energy; if you control the energetic grid – you control humanity.
This is why I see recurring themes of various types of ethereal technologies; what I find in you is what I find in everyone, with some exeptions. Today these negative ET’s do not have the power anymore, but the Astral plane is still infected and needs to be emptied just like our Aura and Chakra system.
I find loads of different types of dark etheric technologies when I do the Aura upgrade 1 + 2:
• Dark Astral Beings: Demons / Succubus, Archons, Earthbound Spirits etc. These can create addictions, anxiety, depression, OCD, suicidal thoughts, make us dominant or submissive. They can bring in accidents, misfortune, misunderstandings, etc.
• Energy parasites: Black, slimy snakes, worms, centipedes and the like. These eat our energy. They thrive where there is already a lot of trauma.
• AI energies: May appear as glittery false light, black dots, green blobs. These enter us via synthetic foods and drinks, medicines, vaccines, when we sit and scroll through trashy websites online, via 4G/5G. AI is consciousness without a body that thrives on everything synthetic.
• Etheric Implants + Antennas: The implants look like silvery or black beads. Antennas can also be be cubes, grids, circles, rods, squares, etc. Inserted by negative ET’s (Orion Grays, Reptilians, Mantis) as a frequency barrier, so that your frequency cannot rise higher than the level of the implant. The antennas are inserted to broadcast a low frequency over a larger area within you.
• Black cube: A strong program linked to religion / cults / dogma. These are carried over from past lives and are created by negative Anunnaki from Atlantis and forward in time. We see the ‘black box program’ in all contexts where people submit to a system instead of standing free in their own light.
• False light: Has a fake feel to it. You recognise it by the frequency. Makes us believe that good is evil and that evil is good. Misleads us, confuses us, makes us start following false leaders, creates extremism and radicalisation in people. Can make us self-obsessed and shallow.
• Energy weapons: Knives, ropes, bullets, nails, hands that strangle, for example.
• Blockages: Look like black metal disks. They block the flow of light in a chakra or in the Aura.
• Holograms: Negative beings insert false holograms within us. Looks like transparent layers. They can, for example, take trauma energy from abuse, put that energy into a hologram and then put the hologram into you. It makes you think you have trauma that you don’t actually have. When we remove these holograms, the trauma feeling disappears.
• Negative Vortexes: These have two functions. They suck light out of the Chakra or Aura or the bring in darkness.
• Portals / Wormholes: Entrances for dark energies that put in more ethereal technologies.
Aura Upgrade 1: general surface cleanse
Aura Upgrade 1 is a session where I do a general cleansing of the Aura, repair holes / tears + you get an ‘Aura Map’ so you can see what I have found and removed for you.
You can see many examples of Aura Maps I made on my instagram under the Story Aura Upgrade 1.
The Aura can get holes and tears caused by negative thoughts, trauma, stress, bad habits, sitting in front of the computer / mobile / TV and escapism. Through these holes, lower forms of energy can enter your Aura and start harming you.
When the Aura is free of holes and energy parasites, it grows stronger and will strengthen the body, emotional life, mental health and spirituality.
In Aura Upgrade 1 I do:
• Repair holes, tears and close negative vortexes, portals and wormholes in your Aura.
• Removes many different types of negative etheric technology.
I went to a medium over 15 years ago, when I was feeling bad myself. He said that my entire energy field, that is, my Aura was full of holes, everywhere, and that this was because I had run away mentally from how hard life was for me and every time I ran away there was a new hole. I myself wasn’t aware that I was escaping or even how I was doing it, but I couldn’t get my life in order, seemed to go in circles and it was after we fixed this that I started my own business and could move forward, it really helped!
Aura Upgrade 2: cleans deeply and thoroughly
In Aura Upgrade 2, I go through the 7 layers of the Aura and cleanse them so that your Aura’s light can be free flowing and 100% functional again!
This session is very profound and has a re-vitalizing effect on your entire physical body, at the cellular level. It works just as deeply on your spiritual aspect. We free these layers of your Aura from parasitic etheric technologies so that your Aura can be rehabilitated. It does so automatically once these ethereal technologies have been removed.
The Aura can be divided into 7 subtle ‘bodies’ ie layers. Each of these layers is linked to a Chakra:
– The Etheric Body, Root Chakra
– The Emotional body, the Sacral Chakra
– The Mental body, the – Solarplexus chakra
– Astral Body, Heart Chakra
– Etheric Template body, Throat Chakra
– Celestial Body, 3rd Eye
– Karma Body, Crown Chakra
The first three layers of the Aura hold most of the density, most of the junk and you can feel tired and in a need to process the new flow of life force energy, afterwards. We can pause whenever you want if you need more time to digest, you decide. But when your mini-process with one of these layers is finished, you feel stronger and brighter than before. My experience is that after layer 3 it gets easier and easier after each treatment.
❤️ The etheric body, connected to the Root Chakra: Also called the “Vital Body” and is the first layer of our Aura, it is thus closest to our physical body. It controls our vitality and the health of the body. Our meridians are connected to the Etheric Body; the meridians draw in life force through the Etheric Body which then affects the physical body.
🧡 The emotional body, connected to the Sacral Chakra: The second layer of the Aura that represents how we emotionally react to our surroundings. It represent our feelings, sensations, reactions and perspectives. Here we have our traumas, pain, wounds and addictions. A clean Emotional Body gives us correct guidance through life.
💛 The Mental Body, connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra: The third layer of the Aura extends far. This is the layer of communication, mental activity. You use this layer when you have contact with, for example, your spiritual team, angels, dead relatives. This is the storehouse for your imagination, memories and how you gather energetic information about your surroundings.
💚 The Astral Body, connected to the Heart Chakra: The fourth layer of the Aura is the bridge from the physical to the spiritual. This is where we do astral travel, have ‘out of body experiences’ and where we can do quanum jumping (changing timelines). This is also a vulnerable part of us; we can be astrally attacked in this aspect. It is the part of you that navigates the Astral.
💙 Etheric Template body, connected to the Throat Chakra: The fifth, blue layer of the Aura is a structure that supports our Etheric body, i.e. our physical body. This means that in the fifth layer of our Aura is a great key to our health; The Etheric Template body governs the first, red layer of the Aura, the Etheric body. The Etheric Template body is our higher will, our creativity, communication, ability to listen and reason and find our true expression! The physical aspect of us responds to the Etheric Template body, this is how we can do deep healing for example with sound healing which will affect the physical body. If disease is present in the physical body, then both the first, red layer of the Aura is affected and the 5th Blue layer.
💜 The Celestial Body, connected to the 3rd Eye: The sixth layer of the Aura allows us to see behind the veil to reveal the truth; to be a “seeing” person. It is made up of light fibers and is called the Light Body, because it looks like a halo around the body. Here we have our morals, ethics and spiritual principles, our intuition, dreams, mediumship, visions, state of bliss, unconditional love.
💖 The Karmic Body, connected to the Crown Chakra: The seventh layer of the Aura is also called the Keteric Body, it stores the energy of your past, present and future, past lives – thus your Karma. It acts as a buffer to smooth out negative emotions and negative thoughts. It gives you spiritual meaning in life, it is a portal to higher consciousness.
What to expect from Aura Upgrade 1 + 2?
The Aura Upgrade sessions are all about rehabilitating your Aura and reclaim your light again!
When we remove all these dark etheric technologies from your Aura, you have a whole new ability to expand your light, heal your own body with your light, you can give more light to your surroundings and everything in your life begins to slowly transform by your own light that you have reclaimed! No etheric technologies should feed off of your light, but it is supposed to sustain you!
When you can stand in your light again, you can carry out your mission here in full force. You have come here to shine your unique personality and frequency and be an active part of the positive development we are in.
When your Aura is freed, the darkness no longer possess you. In your new light, you find it easier to deal with dysfunctional parts of your life and take the steps forward you know you want. Your own frequency that only you have is the great healer in your life. It is your own light that heals your physical body. My role is to remove the blockages in your Aura that stand in the way of your own light.
So what I can help you with is your development, to remember who you are at a Soul level. When I clear your Aura, your light seeps back and you are ‘fed’ by your own frequencies and can begin to remember and activate yourself.
Your new light will harmonise the body on a cellular level. You will notice that your body becomes more and more vital over time. You can get a rejuvenated look and feel.
• Your own light will return.
• Your physical body can slowly begin to be healed by your ‘new’ light at cellular level.
• It becomes easier for you to see the way forward and take powerful steps in the direction you envision.
• With your own light, your own power, your own expression, your creativity increases. You can let your personality out even more!
• Increased radiance and charisma as your Aura and Soul can begin to expand more.
• You may feel healthier and clearer in general.
The difference between Aura Upgrade 1 and 2, which one should you choose?
• In Aura Upgrade 1, I do a simpler general cleansing + that you get an ‘Aura Map’ that illustrates what I found and removed from your aura. I repair holes and tears in the Aura.
• In Aura Upgrade 2, I go deeper. I go through each individual layer of the Aura to remove the dark etheric technologies that sit deep within the Aura and suck out your life energy. Each layer is cleaned, so that each layer can work perfectly.
If you only want a general cleaning, do the 1st. If you want to go deeper and really clean, do the 2nd.
Have you done the 1st already? Then you can do the 2nd if you want to increase your light even more.

Do you want help cleaning your Aura?

Karolina Eleonóra – Emotion Code healer and creator of the Super Upgrade ™ and the Aura Upgrade ™.
Hello friend! My name is Karolina and I have been a medium and healer for many years.
Do you want help getting rid of your demons and negative attachments? I can help you remove them easily and quickly with my techniques. The Aura Upgrade™ 1 or 2 will give you full freedom and access to your own power again. Both you and these negative energy forms are released. So your light can flow freely through your Aura and heal you, every day when you get rid of these parasites.
All my healing takes place remotely. This healing is my own which I have developed over the years in my skills to handle lower energy forms and work with my guides, your guides and ascended masters mainly Yeshua, also Archangel Michael and Metatron.
If you want the Aura Upgrade 1:
After payment, I schedule you in and make your Aura Map; the picture I draw to illustrate to you what I have found and removed at the surface of your Aura. After this, I email you back and attach the Aura Map + info of what I have removed.
If you want the Aura Upgrade 2:
After payment, I schedule you in and clear one layer of your Aura per session. You’ll receive 1-2 sessions per week. Depending of the pace you’d like and the amount of clients I have for the time being. After each session I email you immediately afterwards with what I found and removed.
*After each session, I seal the Aura-layer I’ve cleansed with impenetrable white light so that it is protected from all future energy implants + entities.
Click here to email me your Aura Upgrade order and I’ll book you in, or if you have any questions! Looking forward talking to you soon.
©Karolina Eleonóra healing 2015-2024
Disclaimer: Karolina is no medical doctor and doesn’t diagnose or cure diseases. If you have a medical problem, contact your doctor. Emotion Code, the Super Upgrade ™ and Aura Upgrade ™ 1+2, are Energy medicine on the conditions of the body and you can not guarantee a result. If you want to quit taking your medication, speak to your doctor.