Welcome Friend!
Located in Sweden, I have worked with guiding and healing people since 2015. It is my passion and life path.
I do Emotion Code + Body Code sessions for you if you want. Emotion Code is the quickest way to, sometimes within minutes, feel better again. Whether it is anxiety, depression, sadness, fear or any other negative emotional charge that needs relief. I work with adults, children and animals in these remote Emotion Code sessions.
I have also developed my own healing modality called The Super Upgrade and The Aura Upgrade, where I cleanse the whole Chakra system (14 Chakras) and the Aura so that you can have life force energy flowing freely through your energetic system.
Being a Pleiadian contactee, I have a Podcast where I talk about this amazing galactic culture. We also do hour long QHHT sessions where we call these Pleiadians in to answer questions, to validate and clarify my own telepathic talks with them. These you can watch for free on my Instagram or here in the Video section in the menu.

Working full time as a healer taking thousands of clients, listening to amazing life stories, connecting with beautiful people, I love being at service. Every connection with a client is a fusion, becomes a mastermind where profound inner shifts can happen. A few words can activate dormant powers that dwelled in the inner space of the unconscious. In session, when a client suddenly become silent, I know we are ready to lift off to their next level. When you get a breakthrough – I get one too. Because we are all connected, and every powerful meeting is pre-destined.
To trust the process.
About Emotion Code
The Emotion Code has its foundation in Kinesiology where muscle testing is done to “scan” where your blocks are.
I remove deep rooted issues in seconds, so you don’t have to spend years on the therapy couch intellectualising trauma and past pain. It is maybe the most effective healing modality we have today; I do the sessions remotely so distance is not an issue, often times I can start working on you the same day you purchased a session, it takes seconds for me to find your blocks and remove them one by one and get right to the bottom to your problems.
A “trapped emotion” from lets say a betrayal, can be logged somewhere in your body for decades and cause an stagnation in your energy field. When that betrayal is removed, you get more flow and you will function better on all levels in life. Imagine if you book a session with me and I remove 25 emotional blocks from your childhood, imagine the new flow for your body and mind when you don’t have to carry around that trauma. The more “trapped emotions” I remove, the better you will function in your everyday life, not to mention your social, creative and romantic life.
Let’s just get rid of it right now, shall we? Let’s discover who you’d be without those blocks!
My work is to move energy. Stagnant energy blocks Life energy. When I release your blocks you get Flow or Prana / Qi / Chi. With flow, inner doors or Portals if you will, opens. With those openings you can blossom and start walking down that Path you were destined to.
About the Super Upgrade & Aura Upgrade
In springtime of 2022, I was guided by Yeshua and my Pleiadain guides to develop the Super Upgrade. First, I was looking for a way to completely free my own Chakras, and they showed me how step by step.
Each Chakra (we have 14 of them), is absolutely infested with dark etheric technology. It is a sad and tragic state of humans of earth, since we are being attacked and hindered in multiple ways, and one of the most efficient way to stop humans is to infect our Chakras.
Chakras are our energy centers that governs not only our hormones and inner organs, but are also linked to themes that governs our behaviour and thus our results in life. The original intention of the Chakras are for them to emit their healing colors out into our Aura, so the Aura is well fed with harmonious frequencies and colors! But sine our Chakras are infected, they aren’t spinning, the colors are dimmed down, they are blocked from taking in life force energy and emitting it to others and they have reverse-technologies that makes them work against us.
Clearing out your Chakras using the Super Upgrade, is a once in a life type of session that will have you energetically back on your feet so that you can re claim your own true light again!
The Aura Upgrade was born 2023. I noticed that the Aura had the same type of parasitical etheric systems and that there is no point clearing the Chakras, just for them to emit their healing light out into the Aura, if the Aura is full of thees negative technologies as well.
It was after my Chakras and Aura were cleared in this way, that those Pleaiadian guides could come through and talk to me like never before…
About being a Pleiadian Contactee
In Nov 2022, the already sporadic telepathic contact I had, containing talking and sending images and scenes, intensified.
A group of blond, blue eyed, tall and muscular galactic people had shown up in dreams and meditations for years on and off, now initiated taking our contact to a much more direct level. They said I was the captain of their ship and that I was a mediator in galactic political conflicts, with them. Laughing it off in the beginning, I later could verify all of their claims in QHHT hypnosis interview sessions (you can find all of these for free in the Video section in the menu).
Especially, there was a dark haired man in this group, that would become my guide. He first said his name was Petrus and later he clarified and unveiled that I could call him ‘Petraii’. Pretty soon it became clear to me that he was my Twinflame. He explained that we had lived every past galactic life as man and woman and that after the shift to 5D / New Earth, we would be together again.
He also explained that I visit our ship regularly in my Light body, to do mediation work and to just hang out and have fun with them; my Pleiadian family I lived with prior to incarnating here in Earth.
©Karolina Eleonóra healing 2015-2024
Disclaimer: Karolina is no medical doctor and doesn’t diagnose or cure diseases. If you have a medical problem, contact your doctor. Emotion Code, the Super Upgrade ™ and Aura Upgrade ™ 1+2, are Energy medicine on the conditions of the body and you can not guarantee a result. If you want to quit taking your medication, speak to your doctor.